Sunday 3 April 2011


Time for something a little more controversial like I promised.

I'm an atheist and I believe the world would be a better place if people didn't believe in god. One less thing for people to fight about and the world would be a way more rational place. Did you hear about the attacks on the United Nation base in Afghanistan?  The attack by Islamic Zealots was just because some idiotic pastor in Florida decided to burn a stupid Koran. For F**k sake people, grow up!

To quote the philosopher Bertrand Russell on the existence of God:
"If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes"
Isn't believing in God like having an imaginary friend? Wouldn't you be worried if a 12 year old told you that he or she has an imaginary friend that they talk to every night before they go to bed? Let alone a grown adult? You would think such a person is suffering from psychosis! Somehow, as long as it is called religion, collective psychosis is considered al-right?

To be fair, religions do exist for a reason. In Wikipedia under "Religion and Happiness"; there is much evidence to show that religious people are happier people. The term "Happy Clappy" often used to describe Christian youth groups is quite logical after all. To many people, religion instils a sense of belonging and a sense of comfort thinking one is looked after by a greater being. However, is that a good enough reason to justify the believe in a celestial teapot? I dare you to ask the family members of those killed in the Afghanistan UN base.

The are so many other ways one can find a sense of belonging. Everyone belongs somewhere, a family, a relationship, a group of friends. Shouldn't we have more faith in our family and friends than something that's a figment of our imagination. Twenty thousand estimated killed in Japan, where's the comfort in that?

One does not need God to have spirituality. In fact, some of the most spiritual people are scientist. My previous blog contains a video of wave particle duality of matter.
Modern physics flies in the face of the world we perceive. How can something be two things at the same time and only revealing to be one or the other when we look at it? The world in which we live in is a strange place. Physics laureate Niels Bohr once said "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it".

The quantum world is none deterministic. We can never fully predict what's going to happen even if we know exactly the initial conditions of a system, we can only predict the probability of it happening. Einstein was very uncomfortable with this theorem and said "God does not play dice with the Universe". Well, I suppose there was never going to be anything good enough to convince a die hard Jew that god does not exist. If you readers think your life has nothing to do with quantum mechanics, think again! The very hard disk this blog is stored in a server runs on quantum mechanical magneto resistance effect.

Science has revealed a beautiful and elegant universe to us. I often watch a bird fly-by and smile in awe that evolution has turned dinosaurs into birds! We don't need an imaginary teapot to explain all this beauty we see, we're way more evolved than that!

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