Sunday 24 April 2011

Is Monogamy the Norm? Part 2

If you haven't read part 1:

Yesterday I came across a video on the Mosuo tribe:

I was talking about Bonobo apes, our closest kin and how they are extremely sexual and promiscuous. Are we suppose to draw conclusions about ourselves from Bonobos? Lets look at our anatomy similarities, I'm sure you'll become more convinced.

Amongst our great ape kins; Bonobos, Chimpanzees are polygamous meaning multiple partner for both male and female. Gorilla are polyandrous meaning one male many females. Since Gorilla males are secure in impregnating their harem, they don't require much sperm whereas Bonobos need to produce more sperm in order to compete with other sperm that may already be in a female.

That is reflected in the testicle size of these apes. Gorilla has testicles the size of kidney beans and Bonobos the size of hens eggs. Human testicle size lie somewhere in the middle. In terms of sperm count per ejaculation:
Gorilla- 50 million
Human- 480 million
Bonobos- 600 million

It is obvious that humans seem to be more on the polygamous end of the spectrum when it comes to sperm count. However, when it comes to penis length and thickness, humans trump them all. Why is it so much longer? Twice the length of Bonobos and 6 times that of Gorillas. Humans are the only great apes with a coronal ridge as part of the penis.

Test have shown that it acts as a very effective plunger to remove fluid from the vagina. One plunge can remove 90% of the fluid in there. It is theorised that the ridge was evolved to remove a competitor sperm from the vagina and hence the longer it is, the further it could reach and more competitors semen could be removed.

You women folk who think you're less promiscuous than men can get off your moral high horse now. You're not less promiscuous, just better at concealing it! Liars! Ha ha!

So, you may ask, what are we suppose to do with all this information? I don't know! Neither does the author of the book "Sex at Dawn". The other day at a dinner party, I was introduced to Jack, John and Jason; three lovely elderly gentlemen that from what I can see enjoyed each others company. Jack and John have been together now for over ten years and Jason have just recently moved in with them after his long term partner died. I initially thought how nice of Jack and John to let their friend who have just lost his partner move in with them. Then I was told by Jason that he has a sexual relationship with John but not Jack; and Jack and Jason are very good friends even though they shared John.

I was blown away by their honesty and obviously, they from what I can see have a relationship that works. My respect goes out to them for their honesty. I respect them way more than monogamous couples who are disrespectful to each other or who just put on a facade of monogamy. Also, with so many divorcees and couples coming and going; serial monogamy seems to be the norm these days; isn't it just another form of polygamy?

Below is a chart of the type of relationships that are out there
For a full picture:

Whatever kind of relationship you're in, provided it's an honest one that works for you, that's the perfect relationship. Do not let ignorant people with religious or cultural biases tell you otherwise. Just because they're unhappy, doesn't mean you should be unhappy too.

Just go out there and love; and love like you've never loved before!

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