Saturday 19 November 2011

What is Happiness?

Another parliamentary election in New Zealand is looming again. The political parties are all expounding the virtues of their policies; be it lower taxes, environmental protection, more health spending etc. We the voters look at these policies and decide which of them would bring us the most benefits.

Lets employ some Socratic questioning to the term "benefits". It's fair to say that a "benefit" is something that would improve our well being. What is "well being"? I think it is safe to say "Happiness" is an indication of "Well Being"; we are happier if we have enough money to put food on the table than going hungry, we are happier if we are healthy as compared to being sick in bed.

So what is "Happiness"? Happiness has long defied a definition because it is never straight forward. Many of us think that money can buy happiness and just look at how much more miserable we are now. Most nations are earning much more now compared to twenty years ago, every indication from surveys however point that we are no happier, some even indicate we're more miserable.

It is difficult to measure happiness of a nation. Gross National Happiness (GNH) is one subjective method that the King of Bhutan came up with to measure the success of a nation. The cynical would probably think that the King is simply moving the goal post because he knows Bhutan can not possibly compete with many developed nations on GDP. That maybe true but the King has been true to his words and has developed Bhutan according to the GNH philosophy. Bhutan has always ranked highly on Happiness Indexes conducted by institutes like Leicester University and the Gallup World Poll just to name a few. These Happiness Indexes along with GNH is a combination of indices that reflects well being, economics and health.

Recent research as part of the Gallup World Poll have gone even further and measured Happiness only in emotional terms. After all, Happiness is a state of mind and can not be directly measured using wealth or any other physical measure. Subjects are surveyed using their emotional response and self reports on matters like work, income and relationships.

The Maasai people well known for drinking cattle blood are a tribal people in Africa. They lack many material comforts that industrial societies have but are found to be just as happy as individuals in many developed nations. Researchers think this is because they focus on what they have rather than what they lack. Also, they have a lot of self respect and possess the skills to flourish in their environment. However, the Maasai do rate their material resources poorly suggesting money can buy at least some kind of happiness. 

Research has also shown that living standards predicted overall life assessment better than day to day emotions. That is to say luxury goods can make you feel more satisfied with life but does not make it more enjoyable. On the other extreme, South Koreans rate material wealth higher than the Americans and Japanese, they too have the highest suicide rate in the industrialised world.

Another example showing that wealth doesn't bring happiness are the Danes. Although the U.S. is economically richer than Denmark, the Danes are psychologically better off. The difference is said to lie in a person's ability to trust other people's good intentions, a so called 'Social Capital'. The Danes expressed faith in their Government and business sector and expected a lost wallet to be returned. The Americans however, viewed both as corrupt and doubted a stranger would ever return a lost wallet.

A high opinion and contentment  with homeland is another source of happiness. Researchers found that national satisfaction can influence life satisfaction especially in poorer countries. This is also reflected by the statistical fact that incumbent governments have a higher chance of getting back in power if the country has recently won a world sporting event. It is often said that the Rugby World Cup win means that the incumbent government of New Zealand is guaranteed to get back in power.

So before you cast your votes this election, think about the overall well being of yourself and the nation. Think about social capital, your relationships, the respect for yourself and from others, your health, national pride. These things matter too, not just a few more dollars in your pocket.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Coffee with Mr. Keynes, Final

Mr. Keynes and I sat down in a nearby Cafe. I was looking forward to finding out how much economic growth he deemed to be enough for society. "Every government is obsessed about growth, why do you think that is?" He asked. "Errr... so the country can grow richer?" I replied. He then asked "Why do we want to grow rich?" in which I replied "So we could all have a good life!"

"And what is a good life?" Asked Mr. Keynes. I started thinking about a myriad of things a person could desire and before I could reply, Mr Keynes carried on, "People buy fast cars, beautiful houses, go on expensive holidays, it all boils down to beautiful things isn't it? The sleek body of a fast car, the architecture of a nice house and the beautiful things one sees on holiday. People essentially seek to experience Aesthetic Emotions."

"Another emotion people seek to have is to be In Love. I believe that one doesn't require any explanation." Smile Mr. Keynes. "We have now established that people seek to experience Aesthetic Emotions and being In Love, but is wealth the path to ascertain these two ultimate goods?" asked Mr. Keynes. "As they say, money can't buy happiness!" I replied. "Yes, that's correct but wealth is necessary at the basic level. One could hardly be thinking about aesthetics or love when one is hungry or hasn't got a roof over their heads. Wealth can buy beautiful things but it may not necessarily convey Aesthetic Emotions and in many cases it would make one more appealing to a potential lover. However, wealth is not necessary to attain these two ultimate goods." elucidated Mr Keynes further.

"Since money is necessary in a basic level to even allow us to start thinking of aesthetics and love, it has infiltrated our psyche as a 'Love of Money'. Money is a means to an end but our Love of Money has made Money into an end instead!" explained Mr. Keynes. "This 'Love of Money' is morally inefficient because it is actually not what people seek in life. 'Love of Money' also leads to hoarding which is economically inefficient as it impedes the spending of money which then hinders income and wealth distribution." Mr Keynes carried on.

"But, that still doesn't answer how much economic growth is enough!" Interjected I. "Ethically, the more appropriate question is how do we get more people to achieve the two ultimate goods in life." said Mr. Keynes. "That is to say how we are going to ensure economic growth goes to the poorer in society so they are able to achieve these ultimate goods."

At this point, I looked at my watch. I was running late for my lunch appointment. I left Mr. Keynes with a cordial goodbye. The last sight of him was him reading the business section of the Herald while shaking his head.

I do hope I bump into him again.

Friday 2 September 2011

Otara market with Mr. Keynes, Part II

It was morning tea time as we walked pass a nearby bakery busy with people. "That's funny," I said "I don't recall the bakery being so busy in the past." Mr. Keynes pointed out, "See how most of the customers are tradesmen buying morning tea? They're all building that new council swimming pool across the road. Demand from the tradesmen have been so good that the bakery have had to hire extra staff!"

"That's pretty good going considering we've just come out of a recession! How lucky!" I commented. "Lucky? I think not," said Mr. Keynes, "See the road works over there for a new motorway? And the power cables being laid further away in the other direction? There has been a concerted effort in infrastructure building by the council as part of fiscal stimulus to keep the economy in positive growth!" Mr. Keynes carried on, "The follow on effect is that the tradesmen employed spends their money and the stimulus is spread to other parts like the bakery."

"Is that necessary?" I said, "I'm sure private enterprise could do the same especially now that interest rates are low and it costs less to borrow money." Mr Keynes smiled and said "That's what one would think wouldn't it? With GDP growth at less than 2% per annum and the US and Europe verging on bankruptcy, would you invest your money into an uncertain economic climate or keep it in a bank? " countered Mr. Keynes, "The great depression in the 1930's lasted 10 years, there's no knowing how long any economic doldrums would last. It was only through the massive military spending of WWII that ended the great depression."

"But where is this money going to come from especially now that unemployment rate is high; hence tax collection is low?" protested I. Mr Keynes went on to explain, "A good government would have had enough money put away during the good times in preparation of bad times like these, otherwise it'll have to borrow." With that last statement, I thought finally I've got Mr. Keynes cornered so I quickly asked "Is that wise? borrowing? Look at America and the predicament it's in!"

"That is a good point!" said Mr. Keynes calmly,  "One only borrows when one knows one can pay it back, hence investment in infrastructure like roads and power lines is always a good idea because it help support growth in other parts of the economy like manufacturing and agriculture." Defended Mr . Keynes, "The 2003 black out in North-eastern United States and 2001 black out in California is a classic case of infrastructure under investment. Not to mention the thousands of bridges that are categorised as structurally deficient in the US. The US have not invested the borrowed money to give them a follow on return on investment."

"It's the government's job to save while the times are good and spend when the times are bad. Not just that, the government also has the obligation to save for unforeseen circumstances." said Mr. Keynes. "What do you mean?" I said, "Isn't that what insurance policies are for?" thinking I've finally got him. "This whole market my friend, wouldn't be here if the stall owners had only their insurance policies to rely on!" expounded Mr . Keynes. "Two years ago, a tornado hit the open markets at Otara and caused considerable damage to the stalls and vans. Insurance policies nowadays do not and can not cover for natural disasters like a tornado! Thankfully the council squirrelled away a safety fund for many years from the fees stall owners pay and was able to compensate many of the stall owners after the tornado."

"Insurance companies charge premiums according to risk and the way risk is modelled is through the normal distribution curve. This is fine when it comes to fire and thefts where there are statistics to judge these risks on."

"There is no way anyone can model risk like natural disasters hence governments have to step in to compensate. The EQC (Earthquake Commission) is a good example! No one knew about the fault lines underneath Canterbury. For many years, it was compulsory for insurance companies to pay a levy to EQC for the very reason like Christchurch. If not for the government, Christchurch will never be rebuilt!"

Mr. Keynes has given me a great deal to think about. I noticed that all we've discussed in this second part is all to do with economic growth. I finally asked Mr. Keynes, "So, all this effort is given to sustain economic growth, how much growth do we actually need?". Mr. Keynes eyes lit up instantly, "Ahhh... my friends, that is the ultimate question, let's sit down for a coffee for this is a whole new topic to discuss."

Sunday 28 August 2011

Otara market with Mr. Keynes, Part I

One Saturday morning, as I was walking into the Otara markets, who should I bump into but Mr. Keynes. Dressed in a black suit and tie with his hair immaculately combed, he was definitely over dressed for Otara market. However, no one seemed to bat an eyelash, I suppose everyone there understands he's a product of a different era.

"Good morning Mr Keynes" I said. "A very good Morning to you too" said Mr. Keynes. "Have you come to shop for groceries?" I asked. "Good heavens, No. I'm here just to do my usual observations." said Mr. Keynes. I was curious as to what sort of observations but decided not to ask. "Would you mind if I walked with you while you shopped?" asked Mr. Keynes politely, I saw no harm in him doing so and I was keen to know what he was up to.
We came up to a fruit stall which sold imported fresh longans. At $8.00 a kg, they were a bargain compared to $10.00 from neighbouring stalls. As I walked forward to purchase the longans, Mr. Keynes held me back and said, "What you don't know is that this stall soak their longans in water to increase the weight of the fruit, many an unsuspecting buyer end up paying more for less fruit." I looked at him with an expression of disgust, he continued, "This is a classic case of information asymmetry, where the buyer does not have all the information the seller does. The efficiency expounded by free market theory starts with the assumption of information symmetry where both sides of a transaction have the same information. As you can see, this assumption falls short most of the time!"

"But doesn't the Freedom of Information Act ensure both parties have the same information?" I said. "Ahhh! That's provided if the buyer knows to ask the right question! Also, what stops the seller from lying? In the court of law, his word is as good as yours." countered Mr. Keynes. "This is also why so many people have ended up owning leaky homes, it's a sad state of affairs!" added Mr. Keynes.

"I come to Otara Markets to watch economic activity in action" offered Mr. Keynes. "The diversity of human motivation observed here is inspiration to an economist like myself. Free market thinkers believe that all economic participants are rational and all economic transactions are only carried out because it benefits both parties. This is frequently not the case!"

"Why wouldn't people be rational? I'm rational!" countered I. Mr. Keynes smiled and said "How could you be rational if you don't have all the information? Just now you almost got cheated by the water soaked longans." "Oh, ok." said I quietly. Mr. Keynes continued, "Free market thinkers assume people are simple automatons who only do things that benefit themselves. In reality, human motivation is far more complex than that."

"Look at that vegetable stall over there owned by Mr. Hawera" pointed Mr Keynes.  "Lots of people in the community buy there even though they are not the cheapest". "Mr. Hawera is a well known figure in the community who regularly donates fresh vegetables to the soup kitchens in the community. People are acting altruistic by buying from him even though they can pay lower prices elsewhere." As the price was reasonable, I bought most of my vegetables from Mr. Hawera after hearing what a good man he is.

Further on, we walked pass a fruit stall with good quality food at a cheap price. Surprisingly, there was hardly anyone buying from there. I looked to Mr. Keynes instinctively, knowing he'd have an explanation. "Mr. Tamaki who owns that store is also a well known drug dealer, no one in the community buys from him just to spite him!" explained Mr. Keynes.

"Altruism and spite are two human motivation that free market thinkers never want to think about. Not to mention the very obvious intentional information asymmetry of concealing the truth or lying!" said Mr. Keynes passionately. "Do you mean to say that human psychology is a main influence in economics?" I asked. "That's correct." replied Mr. Keynes.

"The master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts. He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher–in some degree. He must understand symbols and speak in words. He must contemplate the particular in terms of the general, and touch abstract and concrete in the same flight of thought. He must study the present in the light of the past for the purposes of the future. No part of man’s nature or his institutions must lie entirely outside his regard. He must be purposeful and disinterested in a simultaneous mood; as aloof and incorruptible as an artist, yet sometimes as near the earth as a politician."

This morning's shopping is turning out to be a most insightful event.

Friday 12 August 2011

Burn, London, Burn.

I was shocked when I saw the riots start in Tottenham. My bewilderment continued when it spread on to other parts of London. I myself wouldn't have expected something like this in a million years, but did anyone see it coming?

Professor Gus John, a fellow at the London Centre for Leadership and Learning of University of London, wrote to the UK Home Secretary warning of social disharmony back in early July. The authorities had warnings of social uprising but chose not to act on it. You can hear an interview with Professor Gus John here:

The gist of his research points to the high youth unemployment and the cuts in social and education programs  that has left UK youths in a "Hopelessness that has turned into a fearlessness that knows no bounds". He also points to a lack of moral leadership which has seen many British MPs get away with massive tax payer frauds, financial bailouts of banks that has continuously rewarded themselves huge bonuses irrespective of the economic damage they've done.

The author Hari Kunzru sums it up nicely: "That's true of the kids smashing shop windows to steal trainers. It's also true of the MPs fiddling their expenses, the police officers taking backhanders, the journalists breaking into phones. Why wouldn't they? Why wouldn't any of us? The example has been set by our new masters, the one per cent for whom and by whom we're governed.
The ability of powerful actors in the financial markets to socialise risk while privatising profit appears, to the financial peasantry, indistinguishable from organised crime. No reason for the rest of us to stand on ceremony."

Think of the cost of riot damage and the cost of incarcerating the young criminals. Is it really going to be less than the cost of social, employment and education programs for youths? I certainly know which path I would like society to take! Social harmony to me is another externality that current economic thinking has excluded in its cost calculation. If we don't pay a price for social harmony just like we don't pay a price for environment protection, the cost will eventually come back and bite us in the bum!

I am afraid that the current conservative government in the UK does not seem to have gotten the message. London will once again burn and hopefully; not at the 2012 Olympic games.

Saturday 23 July 2011

The love that dares not speak its name.

It was a year ago when I attended John's funeral. It was a solemn occasion; he had overdosed. The few of us there were family and friends that over the years had not deserted him. I suppose what made it even more difficult was that we had all seen it coming; but none of us knew what to do or even where to go for help.

A few years ago, John and I were having a beer on his porch. We were talking about overcrowded prisons for some reason. He said "I've been to prison", I thought he was joking so I said "For work?", "No, as a prisoner" he replied. I was a little surprised but not too much as I knew he use to do a little drugs. I casually asked "What were you charged for?" thinking it would probably be some minor charge for possession.

"Child molestation." he replied, I nearly spluttered beer down my shirt but I held myself together and tried to look calm. I managed an "Oh" but didn't know what else to say, I was uncomfortable to say the least but I knew he only told me this because he trusted me. After a short pause collecting my thoughts, I manage to ask how long and when he was incarcerated just to show that I was unfazed by this piece of information. After that, we went on to talk about other things as if nothing happened.

That night, I jumped on the internet to see what I could learn about paedophilia. The DSM (Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) states that there is no proven treatment for paedophilia. The DSM classifies paedophilia as a disorder of adult personality and behaviour, it does not classify it as a mental disorder. 

This is an important distinction. Most people have a tiny tinge of some personality disorder. We all know of arrogant people who psychologically, can be said to display symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder. People who are prone to worry can also be said to display symptoms of anxious personality disorder; the list goes on. After reading this, I was adamant that I would not let the fact that John was a convicted paedophile change our friendship, after all, he's been a good friend to me.

John's been single the whole time I've known him. One time we were talking about love and gay relationships, I said "Isn't it great that we can now be ourselves and love who we want?" The moment those words came out, I regretted saying it. John noticed this and just smiled. He went on to tell me that one of the last things he said to his counsellor before he left prison was "You'll never understand what it is like to not be allowed to love who you desire." For which the counsellor had no reply to.

After that conversation, I got to thinking why do paedophiles exist? Evolution must convey some benefits to them in order for them to exist. According to criminal statistics, most paedophiles are heterosexual as in they mostly are attracted to prepubescent girls. Could it be that having a relationship to prepubescent girls gave them direct access to the most fertile women the moment the girls hit puberty? I think it is a very logical explanation. Evolution is neither wrong or right, it is when biology and modern ethics collide where there arises many problems.

I was often afraid for John. I kept telling him to keep it quiet when he felt like telling people. I was very afraid that people would not understand and that many more people would ostracise him and drive him further into his depression. What I didn't know was that by telling him to suppress who he is, I was driving him further into depression too.

After the funeral, I looked on the internet to see if there were support groups for people like John. There was nothing, Nada, Zilch! I read that the way to help paedophiles is to redirect their sexual energy into constructive areas, channel their sexual love into non-sexual ones. With no support groups around, how are paedophiles able to get help? Also, psychologist and psychiatrist rarely conduct research into this subject due to its taboo nature. If we are to better resolve this issue of paedophilia, as a society we have to open it up to discussion and be honest about it. Failing to do so would just marginalise this segment of our population and drive them further underground; not to mention put our children at risk

When I think of John, it is always tinged with sadness. Regardless of his issues, he was a good man and a good friend. I shall always remember him fondly.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Stuck in an Unrequited Love

Something a little different this time. Just a story... (names have been changed for obvious reasons)

At a social gathering the other day, I was introduced to Lance and we got talking. Lance was extremely chatty and was soon regaling me with every detail of his life. I found it interesting that he could be so open about his personal life with a person he had just met. I suspected that was how he was with everyone he met and I found him quite refreshing to talk to. We somehow got on to the topic of relationships, so I asked him a question I've always wanted to ask a middle aged gay man.

"I have always wondered why many middle aged men go for much younger men, even though there are plenty of single men of their own age". He paused for a while and started to tell me about George...

"I am in love with someone, and have been in love with him for a long time" said Lance. "His name is George and we first met when I was only a teenager, back when we were in the same school musical production." Lance carried on after a short pause reminiscing, "He used to tease me by poking me with his clarinet, that was how we got friendly. I gradually fell in love with him; even though I was still too young to know it."

 "Then we lost contact for many years. For those years I often wondered what could have been.Then out of the blue I bumped into him again at a concert. We quickly got reacquainted again, this time both as out gay men."

I nodded and he ventured on "We got very close, we went on family holidays together. We got to know each other's family very well. I now feel like I belong to his family. George is everything that I had hoped for, a childhood crush that has returned into my life... except that he doesn't view me the way I see him.There is nothing I want more than having George as a partner, however, he only wants me as a friend; a friend with benefits and always on his terms"

"George is obsessed with young Asian men". That completely caught me off guard but I put on my best counselling face and just nodded. "When we go out together, he is always perving at Asian men whenever a young attractive one walks by, I get quite insulted when I catch him doing it. I have often expressed my anger at his behaviour only to be told that my sex life is not his responsibility."

At this point I'm not sure whether to give him a hug  for his pain or a good shake to wake him up from this romantic foolishness. I can see how people can be stuck in the romantic hope of eventually having their love returned but logically I can never truly understand it, I suppose I'm just not built that way.

Lance went on further and said, "I even asked George why he keeps me around if he's only interested in young Asian men; in which George intimated that with the Asian men he's met, there is nothing much to connect with after sex. I gather those he'd met had poor English and perhaps the age gap was just too big."

Afterwards, I got thinking... George would be the classic case of someone with Peter Pan syndrome. Like a child with a gluttony for sweets, attracted to a food that is addictive but ultimately never nourishing.

I ask Lance has any of his friends and family made any comments. He said "All our friends including George's closes friends have told me to move on, saying George is just not worth it but still find myself unable to let go." After hearing that, I realised that there is really nothing I can say that Lance would have not heard before. All I could do was to give him my most sympathetic nods as I listened on.

I'm not sure how the conversation ended, I think we just went on to talk about other things. Ah... Unrequited love, it always leaves a bitter sweet taste...

Tuesday 5 July 2011

The French have a point- Full veil violates human rights.

Every time I see someone in a  full Burqa, I get alarmed. I can't help it. There's something about not being able to see someone's face that makes me very uncomfortable.

Recently in Auckland, there's been two cases of people in full face veils denied entry onto buses. The bus drivers have been reprimanded after complaints were filed against them. My sympathies are with the drivers. There have been many cases where bus drivers have been assaulted by passengers and there has even been a case where a taxi driver's been killed. I think drivers have a right to be able to see the faces of their passengers.

All Taxis in NZ now are required by law to have cameras for the safety of the drivers. Wouldn't that be a direct conflict to these laws to allow Burqas to be worn in public? There is a real security reason to ban Burqas. The New South Wales police has just been granted the right to ask for the removal of veils. Also, Banks do not allow entry to anyone concealing their faces (bike helmet, balaclava, burqa etc).

The primary reason I'm against Burqa is that it takes away a persons ability to communicate effectively. Facial cues are naturally a big part of communicating; a smile, a frown speaks volumes. It is detrimental to the quality of life for those behind the veil if they are not able to build relationships to their full capabilities. I'm surprised that proponents of women's rights haven't said a thing yet; burqas are a huge step back for women. Many would argue it's a woman's choice, I would argue it is not a choice when there's family and community pressure on women to wear burqa. It is also not a choise if a person grows up in that expectation and doesn't know it is even a choice.

Also, not being able to see someone's face automatically builds mistrust. Imagine your own reaction if someone wearing a balaclava knocks on your door or comes into a shop where you are; it is a natural human need to want to be able to identify the people sharing your space.

We must have an open debate on the burqa's imposition on human rights. We can not let political correctness and cultural or religious sensitivities rail road us into a lesser society.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Greece- what went wrong?

I have not seen a country go bankrupt before. It would be interesting to see one happen but I wouldn't wish that on any one. It would mean that foreign creditors would grab what was owed and the infrastructure like power plants, roads, water supply would not belong to the Greeks any more. How sad!

Wait a minute! Isn't that what the NZ National government is wanting to do? Sell off our assets! But we're far from bankrupt!!! It just doesn't make sense! Our state owned enterprises generate hundreds of millions a year for the government; selling it off is like killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

Quoting from UK's Telegraph on Greece:
Currently, tax collection is a bad joke. The self-employed systematically dodge taxes, and since they account for around 35pc of the workforce, and include many doctors and lawyers as well as a plumbers, Greece simply doesn't raise enough taxes to finance its bloated public sector.

NZ has the same problem although no where near Greece's extend. The NZ Inland Revenue Department released in a report saying that for every 100 million they spend on tax investigations, they recover 400 million tax dollars. You can imagine the amount of tax dodging that goes on even in this supposedly honest country.

I am about to embark on self employment; why on earth would I want more tax investigations on the self employed? First of all, I'll only be a small fish in a sea of sharks. Second of all, most of my friends and family are salary and wage earners who are not able to dodge any taxes. I am sick of the middle class bearing the brunt of the tax burden.

A Greek on the street of Athens was interviewed just a couple of days ago, saying "Apart from Tourism and a few Olive trees, Greece doesn't produce anything else". Why is that? The government of Greece has neglected the importance of development on their economy. From 2005-2010, Greece had only spend 0.6% of their GDP on Research & Development. This is far below the average of 2% for OECD countries.

NZ spend just 1.2% of GDP on R&D. Although much better than Greece, NZ is at only 60% of average. All OECD countries with at least 2% of R&D spending had economic growth of 2% or more.Only exception being Iceland because their financial system fell over during the global financial crisis.

The above graph is from an R&D magazine. NZ with its number of scientist and engineers should be spending at least 2% on R&D; that is 67% more than what we're spending now. I know so many scientist and engineers that are under employed, Phds who are only teaching secondary schools, etc. With an increase in R&D spending, we could fully employ these people to create innovations that'll bring us much better economic growth.

Well, if Greece really does fall over; let it be a warning on the importance of tax collection and adequate R&D spending.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Not doing too bad, could be doing much better too!

The New Zealand economy is almost stagnant. Our GDP has only grown by 1.5% in 2010. In comparison to China (10%), Singapore (14%) and Australia (2.7%); our growth has been miserable. However, it is doing much better than Spain, Ireland and Greece which are experiencing negative growth.

NZ is smack in the middle of all OECD countries in terms of growth. Obviously we have done a few things right to be way ahead of Spain, Ireland and Greece but have been inadequate in many ways to lag behind South Korea (6.1%), Japan (3.9%) and Australia.

NZ balance of payment stands at -3.21% of GDP compared to Spain (-5.23%) and Greece (-10.84%). Before the global financial crisis, the labour government finance minister Michael Cullen made a concerted effort in paying down our debt. Critics said that he should have given tax cuts in those good years but thankfully he didn't. As the saying goes "Make hay while the sun shines", Michael Cullen has put NZ is a healthy position now to weather the current economic downturn.

Ireland has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world. It was touted as the Celtic Tiger for this and look where it is now. Constraint by the EU to keep debt under control and with not enough tax revenue, it has cut spending by 6 billion in 2010. This has resulted in their negative economic growth and high unemployment rate (14.6%). I can remember before the financial crisis, many right wing supporters complained that NZ is not emulating the success of Ireland, those people have now suddenly gone very quiet.

NZ and Ireland both have the same population of around 4.5million. NZ had a healthier balance of payments and so we only had to cut spending by about a third of what Ireland did. It is the governments duty to maintain or increase spending during economic hard times when private business cut back on spending. Otherwise, the economy would shrink and unemployment rise. Government spending was how the United states lifted itself out of the great depression. But how is it possible to increase spending given that we have to keep the balance of payment under control?

Tax avoidance is the key issue here. It has been estimated that the government loose 300 million a year just from tax hidden by trusts alone. The government could recover billions if it investigated these trusts and other tax avoidance like GST, property trading etc. The Inland Revenue estimates that for every 100 million it uses to investigate fraud, it has recovered 400million. When the National government came into power in 2008, one of the first thing it did was to downsize the IRDs tax investigation team and stopping many of their high profile cases. Talk about the rich protecting their own, Dodgy!

And now the National government wants to sell our state owned power utilities to pay off our debt. Well, if it allowed IRD to recover those taxes avoided, it wouldn't need to sell our assets. The National government is simply letting the filthy rich buy up our public assets with avoided tax that should belong to the public, no wonder the rich are getting richer and the middle class is just floundering.

It is simply unfair to let the middle class salary and wage earners shoulder most of the tax burden.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

May is National Masturbation Month!

Happy Masturbation Month! The Kinsey report found that 98% of all men masturbated. The joke goes that the other 2% are liars!

Sex is something we rarely discuss about with our friends let alone masturbation. I'll admit that I find it difficult to talk about sex even with my closest friends. Talking about it face to face is a far cry from blogging about it. I suppose we've been brought up thinking there's something shameful about sex and sexuality. It is something I have to work on.

We often tell friends about a delicious dish we've had recently but we hardly ever go into any detail regarding any good sex we've had recently. You may say it's hardly a fair comparison but I beg to defer! Is sex not a human need just like food?

Let me proof my case by using the number 7 as a ball park figure:
  • 7 minutes without breathing we die.
  • 7 days without water we die.
  • 7 weeks without food we die.
  • 70 years without sex, the human race dies!
Sex is indisputably a human need. We are evolved to have frequent sex and when that doesn't happen, things start to go wrong! A study of 30,000 men found that those who ejaculated 21 or more times a month had a 33% less chance of developing prostate cancer than those that only had 7 or less ejaculations a month. Below is a link detailing the research findings:

For you men readers out there (especially the single ones), if you don't do it for the pleasure, think of your health! For you women folks, next time your hubby or male partner initiates sex, do it for his health even if you're not in the mood; otherwise don't resent it if he does some self loving! It is after all good for his health!

And for you women folks, don't think there's nothing in it for you! National Masturbation Month applies to you too!
There's much anecdotal evidence on the internet that sex relieves menstrual cramps although I have not been able to find any clinical study. If you're not able to find any willing partner to relieve your cramps during menstruation, what better way than to exercise some self love!

It is also proven in a clinical study that sex (including masturbation) in any form lowers blood pressure for both men and women!

Incidentally, there is clinical evidence to suggest that women exposed to semen in their vaginal suffer less from depression:
The study found that women who never used condom scored an 8 on the Beck Depression Inventory while women who normally used them scored a 15. The higher the scale the more depressed one is considered and a scale of 17 is considered moderately depressed. More reason for women to do it even if they're not in the mood as it may lift the spirits! What is also interesting is that women who do not have sex at all scored an 18; whether it is a cause or effect has not been researched.

Public Health Departments in Both UK and Spain have promoted masturbation to teenagers to delay the early onset of intercourse. In this way, they ensure young people have time to mentally mature before trying intercourse:

I've only listed a few of the health benefits of sex including masturbation, others are:
- The safest kind of sex, keeping you free of sexually transmitted infections.
-A great form of stress relief.
-A mood booster in releasing endorphins.- A natural sleep sedative.
- A mechanism for building stronger pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to better sex.
For a comprehensive list, read:

Also, there are many myths about masturbation too. The link discusses the misconceptions many people have:

With so many benefits, chuck that guilt away and start enjoying yourselves! I hope you all have a Happy and Satisfying National Month of Masturbation!

Sunday 24 April 2011

Is Monogamy the Norm? Part 2

If you haven't read part 1:

Yesterday I came across a video on the Mosuo tribe:

I was talking about Bonobo apes, our closest kin and how they are extremely sexual and promiscuous. Are we suppose to draw conclusions about ourselves from Bonobos? Lets look at our anatomy similarities, I'm sure you'll become more convinced.

Amongst our great ape kins; Bonobos, Chimpanzees are polygamous meaning multiple partner for both male and female. Gorilla are polyandrous meaning one male many females. Since Gorilla males are secure in impregnating their harem, they don't require much sperm whereas Bonobos need to produce more sperm in order to compete with other sperm that may already be in a female.

That is reflected in the testicle size of these apes. Gorilla has testicles the size of kidney beans and Bonobos the size of hens eggs. Human testicle size lie somewhere in the middle. In terms of sperm count per ejaculation:
Gorilla- 50 million
Human- 480 million
Bonobos- 600 million

It is obvious that humans seem to be more on the polygamous end of the spectrum when it comes to sperm count. However, when it comes to penis length and thickness, humans trump them all. Why is it so much longer? Twice the length of Bonobos and 6 times that of Gorillas. Humans are the only great apes with a coronal ridge as part of the penis.

Test have shown that it acts as a very effective plunger to remove fluid from the vagina. One plunge can remove 90% of the fluid in there. It is theorised that the ridge was evolved to remove a competitor sperm from the vagina and hence the longer it is, the further it could reach and more competitors semen could be removed.

You women folk who think you're less promiscuous than men can get off your moral high horse now. You're not less promiscuous, just better at concealing it! Liars! Ha ha!

So, you may ask, what are we suppose to do with all this information? I don't know! Neither does the author of the book "Sex at Dawn". The other day at a dinner party, I was introduced to Jack, John and Jason; three lovely elderly gentlemen that from what I can see enjoyed each others company. Jack and John have been together now for over ten years and Jason have just recently moved in with them after his long term partner died. I initially thought how nice of Jack and John to let their friend who have just lost his partner move in with them. Then I was told by Jason that he has a sexual relationship with John but not Jack; and Jack and Jason are very good friends even though they shared John.

I was blown away by their honesty and obviously, they from what I can see have a relationship that works. My respect goes out to them for their honesty. I respect them way more than monogamous couples who are disrespectful to each other or who just put on a facade of monogamy. Also, with so many divorcees and couples coming and going; serial monogamy seems to be the norm these days; isn't it just another form of polygamy?

Below is a chart of the type of relationships that are out there
For a full picture:

Whatever kind of relationship you're in, provided it's an honest one that works for you, that's the perfect relationship. Do not let ignorant people with religious or cultural biases tell you otherwise. Just because they're unhappy, doesn't mean you should be unhappy too.

Just go out there and love; and love like you've never loved before!

Saturday 23 April 2011

Is Monogamy the Norm? Part 1

I recently finished the book "Sex at Dawn"; the prehistoric origins of modern sexuality.

It is one of the most compelling books I've read in my life and it throws into question the suitability of monogamy for human beings; arguing from the perspective of evolution, anthropology, history, anatomy and zoology.

I come from a conservative upbringing. 11years of Chinese school where Confucius teachings were drummed into me has made me very conservative about sex but this book has definitely got me to look at our sexual relationships from a different perspective.

Divorce rates have been at an all time high for quite some time now in many developed nations. About a quarter of divorces are caused by infidelity and this has resulted in many broken homes and dysfunctional families. Are we actually just too hung up about fidelity and monogamy?

The book argues that marriage and monogamy were self imposed from the onset of an agricultural society when we started defining ownership. One had to defend ones property because of the animals or crops growing on ones land. The same with marriage where ones spouse belonged solely to the other. This was a drastic change from our hunter gatherer past when most things were communal. The forest where one gathered and hunted for food were shared by all and the same went for sexual partners where men and women shared multiple partners.

This style of polygamy can still be seen in many hunter gatherer and matriarch societies. The Mosuo tribe in China, Warao in Brazil, Kung San in Botswana and Inuits in the north pole just to name a few. Mosuo women are expected to take whoever lovers she wishes. The children she has is raised in her mother's house with the help of her family and the community. In the Mosuo language, the word Awu means both Father and Uncle therefore a man's sister's children are his paternal responsibility. Their society lacks jealousy and possessiveness because there is no such thing as infidelity.

You may say that these are primitive tribes! But I argue that human beings have been around for 2 million years and agriculture for only 10,000 years; that's only 5% of the human race existence. We ignore our past and our innate biology at our own peril. Our biology has not yet had time to evolve and our sexuality still suits a hunter gatherer past.

Lets look at our closest kin the Bonobo ape. We are very similar to them because:

  • They walk upright 25% of the time more than any other animal.
  • Bonobos copulate throughout their menstrual cycle, lactation and pregnancy.
  • Bonobo infants only socialise with other babies after 1.5years, longer than any other animal.
  • Bonobo females have front facing vulvas unlike chimps and other primates.
  • They gaze into each other's eyes when copulating and kiss deeply.
Above are just a few examples amongst many. tells you more about our peace loving and harmonious kin. Not only are they polygamous, they use sex as a peace making tool and females are frequently observed practising genital to genital rubbing. Sex is almost a daily past time, used to ease tension, stimulate sharing of resources, reduce stress and reaffirm friendships.

This blog is getting a bit long, part two in a couple of days!

Thursday 7 April 2011

Say "NO" to Nuclear!

Much less controversial this time. I am sure many of you already agree! "NO" to nuclear!

What a mess the Fukushima incident is! Radioactive iodine levels reached over 1000 times the safety limit in the sea off Fukushima due to a leak! Thank goodness the half life of Iodine-131 is only 8 days. Now, they are dumping contaminated water into the sea, justifying it by saying that the ocean is going to dilute it down to safe levels. I hope this is going to be one off but chances are, with reactor 1 building up hydrogen gas and 2 and 3 still requiring continuous water cooling, we are going to see more dumping.

Further more. There has been nothing said about the type of contamination in the water they are dumping. Radioactive plutonium, uranium or caesium last for years and could easily be concentrated in the food chain.

The disaster is not as severe as Chernobyl where radioactive fuel rods actually exploded and the material entered the environment. I hope Fukushima never comes to that! The consequences of Chernobyl is highly controversial due to the big difference in opinions. The numbers reported by greenpeace is most likely exaggerated and reports by UN probably downplayed the severity. Therefore, estimated cancer deaths caused by Chernobyl range from 4000 to 50000 depending who you believe.

Many would argue coal fired power plant causes many more deaths. Every year, hundreds die in coal mining accidents. Keep in mind, the coal mined isn't just for power plants. Much of it goes to heating as well as steel smelting. Therefore the numbers are exaggerated. What's even more important is that how does one compared instantaneous death in mining accidents to chronic diseases like cancer? Cost wise, cancer is definitely way more expensive to the health system compared to instantaneous death as patients need continuous care and treatment till they die. So is a cancer worth two mining deaths? three? Four? Is it even sane to compare it like that? The truth is they are like apple and oranges, you can argue to the cows come home and no one can say whether nuclear is safer than coal.

They argue that nuclear plants don't emit any green house gasses. There are also many other methods that do not emit green house gasses; like solar, hydro, wind and geothermal. It is a lame excuse to imply there are no other alternatives. Japan is in a geothermal rich area, therefore it is an even lamer excuse. Currently, only 0.1% of Japan's electricity power supply comes from geothermal, they can definitely do much better!

Everything comes down to cost doesn't it? The Emission Trading Scheme that has been rejected by both USA and Australia because it is claimed too costly. Well, let's look at costA 2008 study based on historical outcomes in the U.S. said costs for nuclear power can be expected to run US$0.25- 0.30 per kWh. That is just the cost without any profits. The average US consumer pays US$0.11 per kWh. That just means that nuclear power must be heavily subsidised by the US government for it to be viable! Isn't that stupid? Wind, hydro and geothermal all range between US$0.06-0.14 per kWh, there is really no excuse to be using nuclear.

Putting aside the safety debate which will never be conclusive as well as the green house debate, which there are many alternative choices; we can only argue with cost. Clearly, nuclear is so much more expensive than all the alternative choices! It's really a no brainer at all, say "NO" to nuclear!

Sunday 3 April 2011


Time for something a little more controversial like I promised.

I'm an atheist and I believe the world would be a better place if people didn't believe in god. One less thing for people to fight about and the world would be a way more rational place. Did you hear about the attacks on the United Nation base in Afghanistan?  The attack by Islamic Zealots was just because some idiotic pastor in Florida decided to burn a stupid Koran. For F**k sake people, grow up!

To quote the philosopher Bertrand Russell on the existence of God:
"If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes"
Isn't believing in God like having an imaginary friend? Wouldn't you be worried if a 12 year old told you that he or she has an imaginary friend that they talk to every night before they go to bed? Let alone a grown adult? You would think such a person is suffering from psychosis! Somehow, as long as it is called religion, collective psychosis is considered al-right?

To be fair, religions do exist for a reason. In Wikipedia under "Religion and Happiness"; there is much evidence to show that religious people are happier people. The term "Happy Clappy" often used to describe Christian youth groups is quite logical after all. To many people, religion instils a sense of belonging and a sense of comfort thinking one is looked after by a greater being. However, is that a good enough reason to justify the believe in a celestial teapot? I dare you to ask the family members of those killed in the Afghanistan UN base.

The are so many other ways one can find a sense of belonging. Everyone belongs somewhere, a family, a relationship, a group of friends. Shouldn't we have more faith in our family and friends than something that's a figment of our imagination. Twenty thousand estimated killed in Japan, where's the comfort in that?

One does not need God to have spirituality. In fact, some of the most spiritual people are scientist. My previous blog contains a video of wave particle duality of matter.
Modern physics flies in the face of the world we perceive. How can something be two things at the same time and only revealing to be one or the other when we look at it? The world in which we live in is a strange place. Physics laureate Niels Bohr once said "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it".

The quantum world is none deterministic. We can never fully predict what's going to happen even if we know exactly the initial conditions of a system, we can only predict the probability of it happening. Einstein was very uncomfortable with this theorem and said "God does not play dice with the Universe". Well, I suppose there was never going to be anything good enough to convince a die hard Jew that god does not exist. If you readers think your life has nothing to do with quantum mechanics, think again! The very hard disk this blog is stored in a server runs on quantum mechanical magneto resistance effect.

Science has revealed a beautiful and elegant universe to us. I often watch a bird fly-by and smile in awe that evolution has turned dinosaurs into birds! We don't need an imaginary teapot to explain all this beauty we see, we're way more evolved than that!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

The name "Dualicity"

Hi there. I've called myself Willow on this blog and this is the first blog I've ever embarked on. Why now? It is because I have the time and I have a lot of noise in my head that I'd like to share.

I've come up with the name "dualicity" because the "" URL has been taken. I've created this blog to express my views of how things can be seen from a totally different perspective, hence "Duality". I use this term because I've always been mesmerised by the wave-particle duality of light. Light or any quantum matter is both a wave and a particle depending on how you look at it! Click on the video below for a most impressive video demonstration.

This blog is mainly going to be about the world seen through the eyes of a gay engineer, argued using science and technological concepts. I must WARN you that there will be times that I will take extremely unpopular views! I do not expect any reader to agree with me all the time but I do hope that readers will recognise that there are other quite different world views out there. 

Please, do make lots of comments. Your feedback is very valuable to me.